Azure Migrate application and code assessmentGitHub Copilot Analysis, Customized Rules, and more come to the Azure Migrate application and code assessment Migrate application and code assessment

n January of this year, we announced the release of the Azure Migrate application and code assessment for .NET. Available as a Visual Studio extension or as a .NET… Read more “Azure Migrate application and code assessmentGitHub Copilot Analysis, Customized Rules, and more come to the Azure Migrate application and code assessment Migrate application and code assessment”

Hybrid Cloud Solution: The Most Viable Solution for Leveraging AI Potential in the Best Possible Manner

The onset of the 2020s marked a strong foundation toward digital transformation, including cloud and generative AI for organizations, following which they are searching for a response to their impending question: which is the most suitable hybrid cloud strategy that is clear, precise, and concise?  The advantages of a hybrid cloud are transformation, modernization, compliance, and security, and they are known to… Read more “Hybrid Cloud Solution: The Most Viable Solution for Leveraging AI Potential in the Best Possible Manner”